Trump has to be stopped, America!

I am sitting here on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, watching events in the United States and thinking to myself – “The country that is supposed to lead the world is going to hell in a hand basket”.

The cause is clear – the demands for freedom are getting out of control and going well beyond reasonable lines. When it crosses those lines, freedom is lost because those who are perceived as weak lose said freedom – unless they follow the new rules; or rather the lack of them (and can’t).

That forms part of the Aryan Race mantra. Destroy the weak and let the strong survive.

And this is the sort of freedom supported by Donald Trump.

It was also the sort of freedom supported by someone else. Adolf Hitler.

Don’t laugh. Hitler called his mantra “socialism”. He lied. All he wanted was power and bought people’s loyalty through propaganda to do it. No money. Just a whole lot of promises. And that is exactly what Trump is doing. He’s not using the word socialism though – because he doesn’t need to. Socialism in fact is a dirty word across America because many in the US can’t tell the difference between socialism and communism.

But after being focused on communism basically since the end of World War 2, and heaping a rightful lack of trust in communist countries like China and North Korea, fascism has been forgotten. True, a few fascist pieces of American society were being fought – based in gender and including the right to an abortion, and in race. But that isn’t the whole picture – it’s only part of it. And the right to abortion was more recently boxed away by the Supreme Court of the United States. Not only that, the SCOTUS also got rid of efforts at affirmative action. That is – quotas. The SCOTUS declared that unconstitutional. It exposed a major weakness in the US Constitution when it comes to true freedom for all.

This all plays right into the hands of Donald Trump.

He is a proven racist. He showed that in the most blatant terms when he claimed that immigrants were “poisoning the country’s blood”. That is nonsense. A true land of the free and the home of the brave would welcome these people. That’s why that phrase appears at the conclusion of America’s National Anthem. Trump is also a proven misogynist. And he is not politically or diplomatically aware. He is a reckless uncaring fool who will create America in his image if he gets another term. Hitler did the same with Germany. Trump will get rid of his political opponents. Hitler did that as well. Jailing all over the place, allowing Trump to get enough control of not just Congress but also the state legislatures. For example, he would get anyone who opposed his changes arrested and charged with treason – leading to a new election for that person’s seat in Congress or a fresh state election. He would only need 38 of the 50 states to get that done as well as only 67 Senators and 291 Members of the House. That is downright scary.

Another thing that will become the norm under Trump is something that is happening now – death threats by supporters. This is another Hitler tactic.

The other side of the coin is the perceived loss of freedom as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the inflation issues that resulted from trying to keep economies going. This goes to a previous entry I did on this blog; Is History Repeating Itself. I am hoping we have learned from that and we will avoid a depression. But I’m not convinced America have. It was after all the crash of Wall Street that sent shock waves throughout the world through the economies. Trump would have no idea how to avoid that – he’ll just let things slide his way. As he is far from economically aware (he has been bankrupt in the past) this can only be massive trouble.

Now as much as things are going against him at present in the courts, we don’t have that final solution yet. I believe the big one is the case in Washington DC – Trump’s involvement in the Capitol Hill Riot. We need that completed and a conviction set for causing an insurrection in effect (the actual charges all point in that direction). That decision will set a precedent and activate in full the provision in the 14th Amendment that will prohibit Trump from appearing on the ballot paper. The question is how long will it take for that to get to that point – and of course the inevitable appeal ultimately to the SCOTUS. There is a related factor there – Presidential immunity. I refuse to believe this can stand up because it would make no sense in a democracy.

As we know, Colorado and Maine have already acted. Michigan however have refused. There is an action in progress in Illinois and I just read Massachusetts may be headed that way too. This is to keep Trump off the ballot paper in the primaries for the Republican party – to try and force the party to elect someone else as the Presidential candidate.

So one has to assume the worst. Trump will be in position to be elected through getting enough electoral college votes as he did in 2016. So there is only really one way to stop it. And that is to vote Democrat. They did it in 2020. It needs to be done again. Americans who vote need to understand that as much as they don’t like Joe Biden, he is a far better option. Biden is not evil. He’s not perfect. No US President in history can claim to be perfect. But he is way better as an option for the Whitehouse than Donald Trump.

Trump will destroy democracy. Trump will destroy the world’s economy. Trump will cause a depression that will make the Great Depression look like a teddy bear’s picnic. And worst of all Trump will cause World War 3 as the world tries to fight back against this fascist.

Just like the world fought back against Hitler.

But this can be avoided.

America – register to vote as you did in 2020. Commit not to giving Joe Biden anther term, but to keeping Trump out of the Whitehouse. That, by default, will given Biden a second term (or maybe someone else if the Democrats go that way and they might). And that is best for the country that is supposed to be the leader of the free world. Under Biden or another Democrat – it will be so. Under Trump it will sink into the mire of fascism and take the world with it.

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